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One person, one painting, one book, one exhibition

来源:华夏经典艺术网 编辑:木子 时间:2023-11-26
导读: Zhao Delongs oil painting Ask the Sky Find Faith and the press conference for the new book bearing the same title took place in Beijing. The incorporation of genuine currencies from various countries around the world, with a total value in

Zhao Delong's oil painting "Ask the Sky Find Faith" and the press conference for the new book bearing the same title took place in Beijing.

The incorporation of genuine currencies from various countries around the world, with a total value in the millions, into a single painting is already rare; crafting a book inspired by a painting is even rarer, nearly unique among contemporary artists.

Zhao Delong's monumental oil painting installation, "Ask the Sky Find Faith " stands at 3.5 meters in height and spans 10 meters in width. The painting exhibits a stark contrast between black and gold, creating a floating visual effect for the main body, as if all objects are immersed in an unfathomable vault. It signifies the separation and connection between the yin and yang realms, conveying a profound connotation that Chinese metaphysics cannot fully express. The profound timeline, stretching from history to the present and projecting into the future, reflects the author's deep contemplation and attention to the development of the future world.

Throughout the vast river of history, humanity has experienced diverse civilizations, each with its own worship and belief rooted in the mysterious and great power of nature. As civilizations developed, communicated, and merged, people began to recognize another invisible force gradually surpassing the power of nature, guiding the course of human history, and planning its desired trajectory.

Within the same work, some perceive darkness, others light; some witness the collision between darkness and light, while others observe an alternation between the two. Some discern a profound letting go and a lifting of life following a great enlightenment, facing everything calmly. Ultimately, all experiences converge into the common destiny of humanity. The question lingers: Where does the future of humanity lie?

In today's world, where money often takes precedence, Zhao Delong's "Ask the Sky Find Faith" holds significant artistic value and practical significance. Money serves as the carrier of human civilization, and with each shift in its form, human civilization undergoes transformation. Money can be an ambassador for charity or a source of evil. As the saying goes, "People die for wealth, birds die for food." If there is an original sin upon death, it should be attributed to people rather than money. Money, in essence, propels human progress.

Artist Delong Zhao is interviewed by the media

Zhao Delong's "One Painting" has inspired contemporary Chinese writer and art critic Shen Siyuan to pen "One Book." This book comprises ten chapters: "Entering Art, Understanding Money, Approaching Delong, Inspiring Life, Harmonious Blending, Dialogue with the Soul, Searching for Belief, Starry Sea, Questing the Sky, and Love is the Future." Through the fusion of images and text, the work invites collective inquiry into the direction of humanity, providing boundless enlightenment and contemplation.

On the afternoon of November 21, 2023, Zhao Delong's monumental work, "Ask the Sky Find Faith" was exhibited at the Yue · Art Museum in Beijing, China. Simultaneously, the press conference for the new book, "Ask the Sky Find Faith" took place on the opening day of the exhibition. The book has been globally published and distributed by Amazon.









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