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展讯 | 遇见嘉熙当代艺术作品展

来源:华夏经典艺术网 编辑:木子 时间:2024-07-22
导读: 少年自在,自在少年;耳濡目染,身临其境,成长的路上,便是艺术旅程的开始,探索与思考,在此,我们遇见嘉熙!

“遇见嘉熙 — 当代艺术作品展”

Meet Agassiz - Contemporary Art Exhibition



Organizer:Xiangshan Art Museum



Support Unit:Xiaoyan Art



Duration: July27,2024—August10, 2024



Opening: July27,2024,15:00pm



Venue: Xiangshan Art Museum, 1st floor



Academic Chair: Qi Dongsheng

策 展 人


Curator: Zhu Yongheng

策 展 助理


Curatorial Assistant : Xue Jiaxi


劳明金 王文婷 黄勇均 谢小铃

Exhibition team: Lao Mingjin Wang Wenting

Huang Yongjun Xie Xiaoling

前 言 Foreword

薛嘉熙,中国⻘少年画家,深圳⻘年美术家协会会员。9岁随⽗⺟游历欧洲,师从古典油画家兰瑞莎(Larissa Abtova),在欧洲、国内的小燕画院和SWIS多年的游历研学过程中,形成了⾃⼰独特的艺术视⻆和表现⼿法,成为国内下⼀代优秀的潜⼒艺术家。





Jiaxi (Agassiz) Xue is a remarkable young Chinese artist and member of the Shenzhen Young Artists Association. At 9, he traveled to Europe with his parents to study under the guidance of the classical oil painter Larissa Abtova. His experience in Europe, Xiaoyan Art and SWIS shaped his unique artistic vision and expression, and he has emerged as one of the next generation's outstanding artists in China.

Notably, Jiaxi has received several accolades, including the Silver Award in Forbes Young Artists 100, a Gold Medal at the 2023 New York International Illustration Competition, and the second prize at the Kentucky International Youth Art Competition.

Jiaxi's artwork is characterized by mature and eclectic use of color, creating a full harmony in his brushstrokes and constructing a symbolic world of painting language.

His artistic journey involves delving into the techniques of past masters in art history, experimenting with composition and perspective, and developing his approach to interpreting the world. Jiaxi's art reflects his original intentions, allowing him to think independently and make profound statements about the world, human civilization, and the legacy of artistic heritage.

Youthful, ambitious, and proud; fully immersed in growth. Today, we witness the beginning of a time for exploration and contemplation. Here, we meet Jiaxi!

部分作品Partial works

《花与海Roses And The Sea》系列



In 2016, embarking on a 3-year painting journey to the Netherlands, the author’s early works focused on themes such as nature and still life. During this period, his family traveled to neighboring countries, providing invaluable insights and inspiring the author to depict the captivating scenery on canvas. Upon returning to Shenzhen, China, in 2019, the author’s passion for art led him to explore oil paints, and he began a series inspired by the ocean, aiming to capture its depth and magnificence. Through continuous exploration and practice, the author’s artistic style has become more defined.

《郁金香树I(Sakura tree I)》100 x 80 cm 油画 2021

《夕阳下的狂浪I (Waves of dusk I)》50 x 60 cm 油画 2021

《混沌(chaos)》60 x 90 cm 油画 2021

《垃圾鲸鱼(Trash Whale)》60 x 100 cm 油画 2020



As time passed, the author began expressing his perception of the world and delved into various artistic styles. These artworks centered on realistic themes; the influence of family, war and conflicts, and curiosity towards the unknown. This exploration of multiple styles has initially set the direction for his artistic pursuit moving forward.

《父亲(Father III)》120 x 100 cm 油画 2021

《父亲(Father I)》120 x 100 cm 油画 2021

《杂草I(Wildgrass I)》100 x 120 cm 油画 2021



This series showcases the landscapes surrounding Northern Chinese cultural landmarks and captures the essence of life in the author’s hometown of Shaanxi, reflecting his cultural identity.

《干玉米把子(Dry corn fields)》40 x 50 cm 油画 2022

《家乡I (Hometown I)》40 x 50 cm 油画 2022





The author’s objective of this series is to raise awareness about the perspective of autistic children, encourage people to understand and accept their behavior, and provide hope to parents of autistic children.

“Children with autism are often stereotyped as those who break society's rules, but their way of thinking is outside the traditional norms. We now refer to them as neurodivergent, which means their way of processing information is different. Autistic children are sensitive to changes in their environment, and even minor differences can become magnified in their perspective. Their world is filled with various distractions, some vibrant and attention-grabbing, while others are more subdued in shades of grey. Their world is delicate, similar to glass. The structure and color of the background in this series represent the fragmented world of autistic children, as they take in information and imagery in a disjointed manner of peeking.”

《鸣奏(The boy and the piano)》100 x 120 cm 油画 2022

《向前(The boy staring forward)》120 x 100 cm 油画 2022 ~ 2023

《希望之田The Excursion Of Hope》系列




During holidays, the author devotes himself to exposing diverse art forms and cultures to underprivileged children in Guizhou through a rural education initiative. His objective is to inspire the children and expose the world to them.

The author observed their passion and curiosity during the art lessons. After school, the children exposed the author to their natural beauty. Staring into the endless fields, watching the children brush their feet against springs, the author realizes that despite having fewer economic resources, their childhood is joyful, and can enjoy the beauty of nature. Upon leaving, the author created a series to document them.

《黔望者II(Students of Guizhou II)》100 x 80 cm 油画 2023







Everything has an Origin, the beginning. The Origin series explores the origin, development, and destiny of human civilization through the traditional elements of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

Origin is the beginning of chaos. It began during the big bang. The aftershock propelled evolution, eventually giving rise to life. Human civilization originates near water sources and relies on it while developing into prosperity. Over time, remnants of certain civilizations are buried in the dust, yet unforgotten. Instead, they are transformed into nutrients that nourish the Tree of Civilization, a symbol of life's magnificence.

《起源 · 水 · 农(Origin · Water · Agricultural)》200 x 150 cm 油画 2024

《起源 · 水 · 航(Origin · Water · Colonization)》200 x 150 cm 油画 2024


中国⻘少年画家,深圳⻘年美术家协会会员。9岁随⽗⺟游历欧洲,师从古典油画家兰瑞莎(Larissa Abtova),在欧洲、国内的小燕画院和SWIS多年的游历研学过程中,形成了⾃⼰独特的艺术视⻆和表现⼿法,成为国内下⼀代优秀的潜⼒艺术家。


Jiaxi (Agassiz) Xue is a remarkable young Chinese artist and member of the Shenzhen Young Artists Association. At 9, he traveled to Europe with his parents to study under the guidance of the classical oil painter Larissa Abtova. His experience in Europe, Xiaoyan Art and SWIS shaped his unique artistic vision and expression, and he has emerged as one of the next generation's outstanding artists in China.

Notably, Jiaxi has received several accolades, including the Silver Award in Forbes Young Artists 100, a Gold Medal at the 2023 New York International Illustration Competition, and the second prize at the Kentucky International Youth Art Competition.



地 址:深圳市龙岗区布吉西环路88号









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