安堃 An Kun 油画艺术展即将亮相朗空美术馆

安堃 An Kun
开幕时间:2021年4月10日 15:00
An Kun Oil Painting Art Exhibition
Curator:Zhang Yuyang
Producer:Xu Dong Li Xiaonong
Exhibition Coordinator:Li Zheng
Opening Exhibition: 3:00PM April 10.2021
Exhibition Time:April 1-25
Organizer: Langkong Art Museum
Address:No.B03,798 Art District,No.2,Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing

▲ 远方 Far Away
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 100x80cm 2017

▲ 放空自己 Emptying himself
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 100x80cm 2013

▲ 第一次约见 First time meeting
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 250x200cm 2019

▲等待黎明 Waiting for the dawn
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 250x200cm 2017

▲光 Light
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 80x60cm 2018

▲幽人独往来 Rco alonc dcolings
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 150x110cm 2015

▲思绪 Thinking
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 125x95cm 2015
An Kun’s paintings are just as tranquil as his surname An which means tranquility in Chinese. The tranquility of the works is so deep that can go into our deep heart.

▲渴望 Desire
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 60x50cm 2015

▲寄托 Place
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 120x120cm 2015
Although he came to Songzhuang Artist Courtyard for more than a decade, not sociable as he is, he has not recognized the artists in the yard. An enjoys to immerse himself in his world of painting, which, he believes, can make himself fulfilled and can also improve the quality of life. That simply explains why he gave up his original stable life and came to Beijing alone to pursue his dream of art. It calls for huge courage for anyone to start a new journey at the age of 40 , since changes are likely to mean loss or even empty-handed, especially in the choice of art.

▲等候 Waiting
布面油画Oil on Canvas 160x85cm 2015
An Kun tends to listen to his deep heart and quietly indulges in solitude. He tries to express his thoughts about the present society. His works may not be so beautiful, nor is it one of the mainstream art forms. However, with a peaceful heart, he restores the real images of you and me, him or her with the only bare soul. These images may be quiet or intoxicated, confused or bound. But everything seems hopeful.

▲ 前方 Front
布面油画Oil on Canvas 70x50cm 2020

▲ 出窍 Out of the Aperture
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 70x50cm 2020
In the fast-paced era, we seem to have been catching with the pace of the times. The rhythm in Time was slower seems to exist in the past and life seems to devour poetry and distant dreams. Whereas An Kun’s paintings are poetically quiet and purely simple, with a quietness that is different from this restless era. In front of his works, a messy heart may get a moment of peace, hurry steps can slow down, and the solitary soul might start talking to himself. Perhaps we should really need to be quiet in a certain space and listen to our heartbeat and breathing. As Jiang Xun said in Six Lectures on Solitude, what we have to do is how to complete, render and respect solitude.

▲遮住一只眼睛的青年 The youth who covers one eye
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 80x60cm 2019

▲ 他们、它们......1 They, they...1
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 200x200cm 2017

▲佛性青年的生存空间 The living space of buddha youth
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 500x200cm 2017
In An Kun’s view, art is not criticism, nor preaching, but the expression of inner feelings, slowly bringing beauty to people in a silent way. He has been adhering to his artistic ideas and portraying the mirror image of the times with peaceful pictures.

▲白驹相随 Whitehorse follow
布面油画 Oil on Canvas 180x160cm 2015

▲ 内心的坚定不取决于身体的高矮
The firmness of the heart does not depend on the height of the body
布面油画Oil on Canvas 120x90cm 2019

1968年 生于江苏
1990年 毕业于苏州工艺美院
1994年 在中央美院深造
2021年 An Kun 安堃油画艺术展 朗空美术馆(北京)
2019年 青春之殇-安堃油画作品展 而已美术馆(北京)
2017年 安堃作品展——KUNSTBROEDERS画廊(荷兰)
2015年 安堃作品展——KUNSTBROEDERS画廊(荷兰)
2013年 《踯躅》——阿特画廊(北京)
2012年 《小资朋友》——798宁空间(北京)
2020年 徐州当代艺术邀请展第二回 (徐州)
2020年 中国当代艺术展 索斯特美术馆 (荷兰)
2020年 城市呼吸当代艺术展 喻继高艺术馆 (徐州)
2019年 响市艺术展 751 (北京)
2019年 上上当代艺术邀请展 上上美术馆 (北京)
2019年 37x33当代肖像画群展 红门画廊 (北京)
2019年Art Munster 艺术博览会 (爱尔兰)
2019年 Art Karlsruhe艺术博览会(德国)
2019年 “涌动”2019当代艺术沙龙展——稀颜艺术空间(徐州)
2018年 “质同”安堃/李泽民双个展——光复艺术中心(上海)
2018年 “刻骨铭心”艺术作品展——北京公馆(北京)
2018年 安特卫普艺术展(比利时)
2018年 Art Fair Ootmarsum 艺术博览会(荷兰)
2018年 ART Breda艺术博览会(荷兰)
2018年 Art Karlsruhe Germany——卡尔斯鲁厄(德国)
2018年 阿姆斯特丹艺术博览会(荷兰)
2018年 上海国际摩登家具展(上海)
2018年 “境·界五人”当代油画作品展——慧空间(北京)
2017年 卢森堡艺术博览会(卢森堡)
2017年 徐州当代艺术邀请展(江苏)
2017年 伯恩艺术博览会(德国)
2017年 安特卫普艺术展(比利时)
2017年 Zandvoort博物馆博览会(荷兰)
2017 年Art Karlsruhe Germany——卡尔斯鲁厄(德国)
2017年 德国明斯特世博会(德国)
2016年 艺术青岛(青岛)
2016年 Art Karlsruhe Germany——卡尔斯鲁厄(德国)
2016年 艺术品和古董展——Naarden (靠近阿姆斯特丹) (荷兰)
2016年 Realisms艺术博览会——阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)
2015年 科特赖克艺术节(比利时)
2015年 “出彩”美国当代艺术邀请展——Sarasota Venice 艺术中心(萨拉索塔)
2015年 “座无虚席”北京新写实绘画邀请展——千年时间当代美术馆(南昌)
2015年 Kunstrai艺术博览会——阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)
2015 年 亚洲当代艺术博览会(香港)
2015年 ART Breda艺术博览会(荷兰)
2015年 Realisme Amsterdam艺术博览会(荷兰)
2014年 ART3F Mulhouse艺术博览会(法国)
2014年 RT3G Mulhouse艺术博览会(法国)
2014年 中国意向表现主义邀请展(北京)
2013年 “我们:1994-2013”中国宋庄20年特展(北京)
2013年 中外艺术家交流展(北京)
2013年 职业画家作品陈列展(北京)
2012年 2012首届当代艺术Weibo大展——宋庄美术馆(北京)
2012年 18大稿站-当代艺术展——大稿美术馆(北京)
2012年 当代青年艺术家联展(北京)
2011年 艺术青岛(青岛)
2011年 “艺术在路上”当代艺术展(北京)
2010年 第二届偶发艺术节——上上美术馆(北京)
2010年 当代油画联展——“艺术+”上海画廊(上海)
2010年 当代艺术联展——上海莫干山M507艺术中心(上海)
2009年 “MOVING”中国当代艺术联展(英国)
2009年 Art Scope艺术博览会(英国)
2008年 08当代艺术展(北京)
2008年 “Empty”四人油画联展——苏蒙画廊(北京)
2008年 “宇宙”当代油画联展——798艺术区art艺术、Beijing画廊(北京)
2008年 “ART仓”当代油画邀请展(北京)
2008年 “早春二月”艺术家联展(北京)
2007年 Art艺术+Shanghai画廊开幕展(上海)
2007年 第三届宋庄国际艺术节艺术家大展(北京)
作品曾分别被法国、英国、荷兰、比利时、泰国、韩国、香港 、台湾等地的机构或个人收藏。
An Kun
Born in Jiangsu in 1968
1990 Graduated from Suzhou Arts and Crafts Institute
1994 Studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Currently working in Beijing
Solo exhibition
2021 An Kun Oil Painting Art Exhibition Langkong Art Museum (Beijing)
2019 Youthful pain AnKun Personal oil painting exhibition Eryi Art Museum (BeiJing)
2017 Anzhen Works Exhibition - KUNSTBROEDERS Gallery (Netherlands)
2015 Anzhen Works Exhibition - KUNSTBROEDERS Gallery (Netherlands)
2013 "Chouchu" - Art Gallery (Beijing)
2012 "The Luxury Generation " - 798 Ning Space (Beijing)
Group exhibition
2020 Xuzhou Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition (Xuzhou)
2020 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition Soest Art Museum (Netherlands)
2020 Urban Breath Contemporary Art Exhibition Yu Jigao Art Museum (Xuzhou)
2019 Xiangshi Art Exhibition - 751(Beijing)
2019 Shangshang Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition - Shangshang Gallery (Beijing)
2019 37x33 Group Exhibition of Contemporary Portraiture (Beijing)
2019 Art Munster (Ireland)
2019 Art Karlsruhe Art Fair (Germany)
2019 "YongDong" 2019 Contemporary Art Salon Exhibition - Yan Yan Art Space (Xuzhou)
2018 "ZhiTong" An Kun / Li Zemin double exhibition - Guangfu Art Center (Shanghai)
2018 "KeGuMingXin" Art Exhibition - Beijing Mansion (Beijing)
2018 Antwerp Art Exhibition (Belgium)
2018 Art Fair Ootmarsum Art Fair (Netherlands)
2018 ART Breda Art Fair (Netherlands)
2018 Art Karlsruhe Germany - Karlsruhe (Germany)
2018 Amsterdam Art Fair (Netherlands)
2018 Shanghai International Modern Furniture Fair (Shanghai)
2018 "JingJieWuRen" Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition - Hui Space (Beijing)
2017 Luxembourg Art Fair (Luxembourg)
2017 Xuzhou Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition (Jiangsu)
2017 Bourne Art Fair (Germany)
2017 Antwerp Art Exhibition (Belgium)
2017 Zandvoort Museum Expo (Netherlands)
2017 Art Karlsruhe Germany - Karlsruhe (Germany)
2017 Münster Expo, Germany (Germany)
2016 Art Qingdao (Qingdao)
2016 "10 years (2006-2016)" - Special Exhibition of the 10th Anniversary of the Songzhuang Art Museum (Beijing)
2016 Art Karlsruhe Germany - Karlsruhe (Germany)
2016 Art and Antiques Exhibition - Naarden (near Amsterdam) (Netherlands)
2016 Realisms Art Fair - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
2015 Kortrijk Festival (Belgium)
2015 “Colorful” American Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition – Sarasota Venice Art Center (Sarasota)
2015 “ZuoWuXuXi” Beijing New Realistic Painting Invitational Exhibition – Millennium Museum of Contemporary Art (Nanchang)
2015 Kunstrai Art Fair - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
2015 Asian Contemporary Art Fair (Hong Kong)
2015 ART Breda Art Fair (Netherlands)
2015 Realisme Amsterdam Art Fair (Netherlands)
2014 ART3F Mulhouse Art Fair (France)
2014 ART3G Mulhouse Art Fair (France)
2014 China Intentional Expressionism Invitational Exhibition (Beijing)
2013 “We: 1994-2013” China Songzhuang 20 Year Special Exhibition (Beijing)
2013 Chinese and Foreign Artists Exchange Exhibition (Beijing)
2013 “SuQu” Experience Jiangsu Artists Exhibition in Beijing (Beijing)
2013 Professional Artists Exhibition Exhibition (Beijing)
2012 2012 First Modern Art Weibo Exhibition - Songzhuang Art Museum (Beijing)
2012 18th Manuscript Station - Contemporary Art Exhibition - Dachang Art Museum (Beijing)
2012 Contemporary Young Artists Exhibition (Beijing)
2011 Art Qingdao (Qingdao)
2011 “Art on the Road” Contemporary Art Exhibition (Beijing)
2010 Second Occasion Art Festival - Shangshang Art Museum (Beijing)
2010 Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition - "Art +" Shanghai Gallery (Shanghai)
2010 Contemporary Art Exhibition - Shanghai Moganshan M507 Art Center (Shanghai)
2009 “MOVING” China Contemporary Art Exhibition (UK)
2009 Art Scope Art Fair (UK)
2008 08 Contemporary Art Exhibition (Beijing)
2008 “Empty” four-person oil painting exhibition - Su Meng Gallery (Beijing)
2008 "Cosmos" Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition - Art Art of 798 Art District, Beijing Gallery (Beijing)
2008 “ART Warehouse” Contemporary Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition (Beijing)
2008 "Early Spring February" Artists Exhibition (Beijing)
2007 Art Art + Shanghai Gallery Opening Exhibition (Shanghai)
2007 The 3rd Songzhuang International Art Festival Artists Exhibition (Beijing)